The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC ) has awarded a Collaborative Training Partnership (CTP) grant to a consortium led by Berry Gardens Growers Ltd and NIAB EMR. The Collaborative Training Partnership for Fruit Crop Research ( focuses on industry-led research and development on important fruit crops in the UK. The studentship is funded for three and half (3.5) years, to start as soon as possible.
Currently, we have one fully funded PhD studentship in one of the following three topics:
What factors control variation in floral initiation in strawberry? (Ref: CTP_FCR_2022_2)
Only UK students can apply for this studentship:
UK students: If you have been ordinarily resident in the UK for three years you will normally be entitled to apply for a full studentship, covering tuition fees and a maintenance stipend.
Anyone interested should fill the online application via the link provided at the end of each project description page before the deadline of 17th June 2022. If you need further help or clarification, please contact